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 *AEA * AFTRA * SAG -  Hair: Auburn -   Height: 5’7”  -  Weight: 120-  Voice: Sop/Belt


FINIAN’S RAINBOW                                Sharon cover/Ensemble/Dance Capt.                              St. James Theater

110 IN THE SHADE                                 Lily Ann Beasley                                                                    Roundabout Theater

BEAUTY & THE BEAST                            Silly Girl #1                                                                             Disney Theatrical Productions

42nd STREET (original revival cast)    Lorraine /Anytime Annie  & Dorothy Brock cover          Dodger Stage Holding Inc.


NYC/Off Broadway:

ADRIFT in MACAO                                    Daisy/Dance Capt for Chris Gatelli                                   Primary Stages ( NYC premier)

SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON                       Elizabeth                                                                                NYMF (Pershing Square Signature Theatre)


National & European Tour:

WHITE CHRISTMAS                                   Betty u.s./Rhoda                                                                   Atlanta TOTS ( dir. Jeff Calhoun)

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA                      Christine us/Ensemble                                                       European Tour/ Van Joyce Prod.

DOCTOR DOLITTLE 1 & 2                        Lunar Moth /Emma Fairfax cover /Ensemble                 Dolittle Touring Co. (Starring Tommy Tune)



NEXT TO NORMAL DIana Goodman Town Hall Theatre

ADA AND THE ENGINE Lady Byron Middlebury Actors Company

CRAZY FOR YOU                                       Irene Roth                                                                              Sacramento Music Circus

SHOWBOAT                                               Ellie May Chipley                                                                  Asolo Repertory Theatre

7 BRIDES FOR 7 BROTHERS                   Milly Bradon                                                                           Lyric Theater of Oklahoma

RAGTIME                                                    Evelyn Nesbit cover/ensemble                                           The Kennedy Center

WILL ROGERS FOLLIES                            Betty Blake                                                                             Merry-Go-Round Playhouse

GREY GARDENS (Regional premier)    Young Little Edie                                                                    Theatre Works of Palo Alto

CHICAGO                                                   Velma                                                                                      Theatre-By-The-Sea

COMPANY                                                  Susan                                                                                       Geva Theatre Center

KISS ME KATE                                            Ensemble                                                                                Papermill Playhouse

SOUND OF MUSIC                                   Elsa Schraeder                                                                       Fulton Theatre & Maltz Jupiter

BACKWARDS IN HIGH HEELS                Ginger Rogers us/performed                                              Arizona Theatre Company

WORLD GOES ROUND                            Woman #2                                                                               Florida Studio Theater

MY FAIR LADY                                           Eliza Doolittle                                                                        Cumberland County Playhouse

THE FOREIGNER                                       Catherine Simms                                                                   Surflight Theatre (dir Scott Schwartz)

SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN                               Olga Mara                                                                               Walnut Street Theater

SINGIN IN THE RAIN Lina Lamont Surflight Theeatre/Atlantic City Prod.



Person of Interest (co-star), As The World Turns, Celebrity Ghost Stories, The David Letterman Show, The Today’s Show, The 2001 TONY Awards Opening Number, PBS special “Lullaby of Broadway”, WB-11 Morning News, NYU’s “Break A Leg”


THEATER: Alice Spivak (Three of Us Studios ) David Caparelliotis (One on One Productions)
TV/FILM:   Maribeth Fox (One On One Productions), Brian Delate (School for Film & Television)
VOICE:      Vicky Shagoan (Yale); Mary Saunders (The Boston Conservatory)
DANCE:     Ballet, tap, jazz, modern; Ray Hesselink, Andrew Blankenbueller, David Howard (NYC); Sue Ronson (Boston Conservatory)


Musical instruments:  Guitar, basic Violin.
Dialects:  Irish, Cockney, Upper British,  Southern, New Jersey
Dance styles:   Musical Theatre, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary Jazz, Clogging, Irish Step Dance,  Swing.
Outside the Box Special Skills: SCUBA Diving,  Driver’s License, Rock Climbing